
I originally started my website with the hope that I and other data-lovers would build a little data empire. I had far-fetched dreams that I could even host datasets and that somehow the website would morph into something self-sustaining financially as well as editorially.

After inputting more than 200 datasets, writing a few blog posts, and making a homepage to tie everything together, a couple of years later, it has become clear that this website aspires more to the ranks of a personal hobby website. The only comments my blog got were the 99.999% the spammy kind. My open wiki was vandalized every frickin’ day by bots posting links to online drug stores, mostly in Russia.

So I was forced to “lock” the wiki to save myself the draining effort of restoring it. I also re-evaluated my blog posting style. At first, I thought I’d make original contributions in addition to coming up with new takes on existing articles. Hence, the name “Research Pipeline”. But, working full-time while having a baby and a toddler limited the amount of time I could devote to the blog’s mission. And now that I have placed my website firmly in the hobbiest category, the name seems a bit pretentious!

However, I have been inspired by other example blogs. My favorite blog of all time has to be Freakonometrics, written by Arthur Charpentier in France (although most of the posts are in English). I was also recently inspired by The Guardian’s podcast coverage of science bloggers. So I’ve decided to resume data-related blogging, only on a more humble scale — writing about stuff I find fascinating.

That pretty much explains this blog and what it’s about. Now, should you, dear reader, wish to contribute a blogpost, I would be thrilled. And if you have a dataset location to contribute to the wiki please get in touch and I will set you up with an account. Other than that, non-spammy comments will be approved with gratitude.

Lyndie Chiou, January 25th, 2011

256 Appian Way, Union City, CA 94587


  1. Thanks Lyndie !
    I really like your blog ! that’s a good thing to see so many interesting blogs around, on datasets and data analysis !
    all the best

  2. Cannot find a way how to add dataset. Could you review this one please:


    contains information on random 10,000 worldwide companies: company name and aliases, company description, industry tags, industry codes, registration numbers, addresses, phone numbers, VAT numbers, website, number of about/contact/management/product pages, incorporation date, team size, number of clients and partners, number of emails, number of key changes (client/partner changes, contact changes, people changes), and many more.

  3. I would like to see the relationships among what cnerumoss pay insurance companies, what physicians or medical providers charge cnerumoss, what physicians and medical providers bill insuance companies for the services provided, what physicians and healthcare providers pay insurance companies for malpractice insurance, and what insurance companies pay physicians and medical providers for services provided to cnerumoss, and what insurance companies pay out in malpractice suites. Does the inclusion of for-profit insurance company in-between consumer and provider add any value? Is there a need for a third for-profit entity between consumer and provider? Are insurance companies raising the cost of health care by their for-profit needs? Physicians and other medical care providers claim they have to charge more for service because of increased overhead costs. In the past 35 years ago a Doctor’s office was about $50.00 today the same visit at best costs $150.00. Nothing has changed with the service, 5 minutes of face time with Doc then out the door with nothing or a prescription. In the late 1990 s, hospitals were charging $800.00 a day to sterilize sheets. It is probably more today. How has the cost of sterilizing sheets become so expensive? A Tylenol in the hospital is $8.00 a tablet. I realize that inflation raises costs, but the rate of cost increases seems much higher than inflation. Why are medical care costs so high? What are we paying for? It’s not just the service times inflation. Is this because of the uninsured, the insurance companies, the cooperatives, etc.? Where is the money going, doctors, insurance companies, other overhead? We need some answers here, and you all are the people who can help us understand so that we can make the right decisions about this country’s future.

  4. I did wonder about the relationship between sun/moon and earthquakes and your research gave an answer, which I did like. Also the published article on the subject was even better. Scrolling around the websie looks there are more subjects of interest. I did enjoy my hour on your website.

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